Yes I Can!
Do you know who you are?
Do you know the value of your mixed heritage in America?
How do you want to contribute to the society when you grow up?
Do you know that you could be President of the United States?
Do you need motivation for setting goals?
Have you thought of how you might be like Presidents of the United States?
Yes I Can, stimulates your thinking about these questions and can start you on your way to greatness. Readers see that past Presidents of the United States had careers, abilities, talents and interests quite similar to theirs and they went on to serve as President. That young people in this country will be enlightened, stimulated and encouraged to set goals and work hard to achieve their dreams. Those with birthrights will firmly believe that they can serve as President of these United States.
2017 • PB ISBN: 978-0-9984145-1-5 • HB ISBN: 978-0-9984145-0-8 • EB ISBN: 978-0-9984145-1-5 • LCCN: 2016000000
EDUCATION / Elementary
Book Size: 11 x 8.5 • Page Count: 78 • Book Price: PB $14.99 U.S. HB $19.99 U.S.