Best Practices of Distinguished Schools
Dr. Thomas Benson will explore the demographics of Distinguished Schools and we will explore the details of the 2019 Distinguished Schools of North Carolina; the High Progress Schools and the High-Performance Schools. We will also explore the many different funding sources that are available for districts and schools to utilize to help their school’s academic performance. He completed a Bachelor’s degree at Wingate University, where he received an athletic scholarship for football; a Master’s degree from Fayetteville State in Middle Grades Science; a Master’s degree from UNCP in School Administration, and a Doctoral degree from Wingate University.
Dr. Thomas Benson is a forward-thinking educator with expertise in maximizing the effectiveness of educational programs through strategic planning, curriculum, and program development. He began his career in education as a teacher assistant, then became a middle grades science teacher and school administrator.
His first principalship was in Hoke County Schools as Principal of JW Turlington Alternative School. He later accepted principalships in Cumberland County Schools, where he served as Principal of Spring Lake Middle School and Westover High School. He also served as an Assistant Superintendent and lastly with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction where he served as a Federal Program Administrator for the North Carolina Department of Instruction. He currently serves as the Principal of Hoke County High School. He is also the author of A Legacy Created: Memoir of a Boy from the South.
2022 • PB ISBN: 979-8-218-04258-5 • LCCN: 2022913926
EDUCATION / Educational Policy & Reform / General
Book Size: 5 x 8 • Page Count: 64 • Book Price: PB $12.99 U.S. $17.99 CAN